Sunday, December 12, 2010

Mess Around with Gender Roles

Wow, I did it.  I have really just created a blog.  Now maybe I can start getting all of these ideas out of my head and fall asleep a little easier.
What has been troubling me this weekend is that we women all seem to be in the same boat.  (okay, not all of us, and not all the time).  But, there is a general undercurrent of being in relationships with men and we cannot expect to get what we give.  Just a realization.  When I think I will change and start only giving what I receive, it feels un-natural.  It just makes me grumpy.  That is because it is not my true nature.  However my husband seems just fine to give only a fraction of what he receives from me and go on merrily with his life doing whatever he wants anytime he wants to.
Don't get me wrong, he's not a bad guy.  Actually, he's a pretty great guy.  But he is male and I'm sorry, but it's just different.